请注意:lsamman的PK2, PK3, PK4和K的生日截止日期是12月31日.

Interested in joining Léman? 2024-2025学年的名额有限. Mid-year enrollment is available. Submit an application on Ravenna as soon as possible.

Applications for 2025-2026 are now open. To view upcoming tour dates, click here. Contact our Admissions Team with any questions.

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International Baccalaureate World School

As an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School, lsamman致力于培养学生的自信心, critical thinkers. The IB is an academically challenging, in-depth, 创造性的课程,为学生在大学生活和以后的成功做好准备. IB的教学和学习方法贯穿于lsamman的学术课程,从儿童早期开始,到11年级和12年级的IB文凭课程.

了解更多信息,包括当前承认IB文凭的大学名单, please visit ibo.org.

Why IB at Léman?

• Ability to earn college credits.
•IB学生比他们的同龄人更能应付高要求的工作量, 管理他们的时间,满足他们的期望.

“像斯坦福这样的高选择性机构认为IB学生准备充分, capable, 并准备好接受不朽情缘提供的课程挑战. When we see an IB student's application, we light up.”

Debra Von Bargen
Assistant Dean of Admission
Stanford University


William Shain
Dean of Undergraduate Admissions
Vanderbilt University

"Send us prepared students a la IB. 这是美国学者所能提供的最好的高中预科课程."

Marilee Jones
Director of Undergraduate Admission
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

What is the IB Diploma Programme?

The International Baccalaureate is a long-established, globally recognized program of study, which celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2018. The IB Diploma Programme is a two-year, full-time, 具有学术挑战性和平衡的教育计划,为16至19岁的学生在大学和以后的生活中取得成功做好准备. It has been designed to address the intellectual, social, emotional and physical well-being of students. 该项目获得了世界一流大学的认可和尊重.









The IB at Léman

As an ongoing school serving children across 17 grades, IB的教学理念贯穿于每个学生的学习过程中. lsamman的学生毕业时都是有原则的批判性思考者, compassionate and caring collaborators, 以及有使命感并致力于促进世界文化理解的全球公民.

The Curriculum

学生可以选择攻读完整的IB文凭课程或个人IB课程证书. IB Diploma candidates take six subjects, 三级高级(HL)及三级标准(SL), 并完成认识论的另外三个核心部分, CAS and an Extended Essay.

Group 1 – Language & Literature
Group 2 – Language Acquisition
Group 3 – Individuals & Society
Group 4 – Sciences
Group 5 – Mathematics
Group 6 – The Arts

The Diploma Programme Core

除了学科和跨学科的研究, 文凭课程设有三个核心要素,以扩大学生的教育经验,并挑战他们运用他们的知识和技能.

1. The extended essay (4,000字)要求学生通过深入研究与他们正在学习的DP主题之一相关的问题,进行独立研究. 世界研究扩展论文选项允许学生专注于全球意义的主题,他们通过至少两个DP科目的镜头检查.

2. Theory of knowledge 发展一个连贯的方法来学习,统一学科. In this course on critical thinking, 学生探究知识的本质,加深对知识作为人类建构的理解.

3. Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS)让学生在整个文凭课程的学习过程中参与一系列的活动. 创造力鼓励学生从事艺术和创造性思维. 行动旨在通过体育活动养成健康的生活方式. 社区服务提供了一种具有学术价值的新学习工具. CAS的三个部分通过体验式学习促进学生的个人和人际发展,并实现自我发现之旅.

Explore the Léman experience for your child.

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International Baccalaureate
World School
New York State
Association of
Independent Schools
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Colleges and Schools
The Independent Schools
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of Greater New York
Parents League
Parents League
of New York
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